Ladies, I want to invite you to be a part of our Women's Ministry 2024 Summer Bible Study, taking place in June and July. If you have enjoyed the summer Bible studies in previous years, you know what a blessing it is. If you are new to our summer Bible studies, get ready for a wonderful way to connect with other women and study God's Word. 

This summer we will be enjoying a brand new Bible study called Come Home: Tracing God's Promise of Home Through Scripture, by Caroline Saunders. Here is a snippet about the study:

"Home should be a place of love and laughter. Shared meals. Special moments. A place of comfort, rest, and safety. Yet, the homes we make always seem to fall short of satisfying our longing. Too often, instead of peace and security, home is a place of brokenness and pain. These failings of our earthly homes expose in us a longing for a better one. The good news is that there is a remedy for our homesickness. In this 7-session study, Caroline Saunders follows the theme of home through the Bible. From humanity's first home to our eternal one, we'll see God drawing near to abide with us. We'll find that even the best aspects of home here are just a glimmer of what God is building for us through Christ. This study will affirm that our longing for home is good and purposeful, pointing us to our truest home which is found in Him."

I would love for you to join us!

To join us, we need two simple things from you:

One, to get the most of out the study, it will be beneficial for you to purchase the book. This study is video based, which your facilitator will help provide, but your individual time with the Lord will be enhanced if you'll take time, through the week, to work through the study book. These can be purchased at any of our three campuses' Event Centers, for $20, beginning May 19, or you may purchase it online from a book retailer.

Two, we need you to register, so we can keep track of who is involved and where you are will be enjoying the study and being in community with other women. To register, simply click the link below!

The study will take place at different locations, days and times beginning the week of June 2 and conclude with a celebration dinner, with all of us together, on July 17. For more information or questions, please feel free to email me at

Let's go!

FBC’s Women’s Ministry exists to meet women where they are and help lead them to passionately pursue Christ in every area of their lives. Our goal is to engage with women in every age and stage of life and to connect them to God’s Word and to each other. Whether we are studying the Bible together, serving alongside one another in our community and world or building friendships at our small-group or city-wide events, this ministry is for every woman in every season of life. We look forward to connecting with you.

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Moms Collective: A Community of Moms for Every Season of Life

We all need community and this connection is especially vital while we travel the many seasons of motherhood. Whether you are a young mom running on little sleep or a seasoned mom who finds herself without little ones under feet anymore...we want you to be a part of this group!  Moms Collective will include times of encouraging teaching, good conversation around the table, mentorship, friendship, service projects, and FUN!

Here are the details:

When? The first and third Thursdays of every month beginning September 7 and ending April 18. This semester's dates are: September 7 & 21, October 5 & 19, November 2 & 16, and December 7. Registration will happen at the beginning of each semester.

Where? First Baptist Church, 1200 9th Street, Wichita Falls, TX - Room 358

What time? 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Cost? $25 per semester plus childcare costs* (see below)

*If you need childcare, your first child will be $20/semester and then each additional child needing childcare will be $10/semester each. For example, if you have three children that need childcare, you would pay $25 + $20 + $10 + $10 = $65 for the entire semester...that's for seven meetings and 14 hours of childcare plus the incredible Moms Collective community!!

Leadership? We have a TERRIFIC team of moms from all ages and stages! Much prayer and anticipation has gone into planning and preparing Moms Collective!  If you have any questions, please reach out to me at .