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There are plenty of mission opportunities for adults, youth, children, and families who want to get involved throughout the year at our church. We have teams that help both in the state of Texas and in our local community.
One of our key activities is the annual Cans by the Car event, where we donate thousands of pounds of food to local ministries. We also bring joy to children through our Angel Tree Outreach in association with Prison Fellowship.
We’re committed to helping students as well, working with Project Back to School to provide essential supplies for children at Scotland Park Elementary School. Additionally, we run a weekly Good News Club during the school year at the same school.
We're always in need of volunteers to serve as mentors at Scotland Park Elementary, investing just 30 minutes a week during the school year to make a big difference in a child's life.
Everyone is invited to be an active participant or to serve as a prayer partner.
Our FBC Guys and Gals had a number of great opportunities to serve others in our community through . . .
repair on homes including carpentry and painting.
Teams canvassed for the American Red Cross giving out information about Free Smoke Alarms
Most importantly every family served was both prayed with and given a new Bible!
Thank you to everyone who helped, who prayed and who gave to make this outreach ministry possible!
A ministry begun in our church, Orphans’ Embrace responds to the Biblical call (James 1:27) to care for the fatherless. This ministry encompasses a variety of different opportunities including an annual summer mission trip that is both affordable and family friendly. For more information on Orphans’ Embrace please email
Members of FBC and L.I.F.E. Groups are involved in ministry at the local Faith Mission and Faith Refuge which provides for needy individuals and their families while sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For information on how to get involved in this ministry contact our Missions Office at
Members of FBC provide volunteers, financial support and resources to Inheritance Adoption to help the ministry provide assistance to families trying to adopt children.
Members of FBC provide volunteers, financial support and resources to the Pregnancy Help Center so that this ministry can provide women and men with accurate, up-to-date information enabling them to make wise decisions through consultation, material provisions, education and restoration of relationships.
We have many opportunities to get involved in mission work across the U.S. The ongoing needs from natural disasters provide chances for both hands-on involvement and financial support through organizations like the Baptist Yellow Hats and the American Red Cross.
In Utah, our mission efforts include supporting several new church plants financially, including The Church of the Valley in Salt Lake City and Redemption Church in Ogden. We occasionally send teams to help these churches reach more people, as our church serves as a key church for that region.
Whether it's aiding in tornado relief in Oklahoma or working alongside a church plant in California, we're committed to serving God beyond our local area. You’ll even see us working hard for initiatives like Operation Christmas Child. There are always ways to get involved and make a difference.