Vacation Bible School

VBS Registration Countdown!!


Join us, Monday, June 23 - Thursday, June 26 for an exciting week of fun, faith, and friendship at Vacation Bible School! Open to children entering Kindergarten (Fall 2025) through completed 5th grade, VBS is a time for kids to explore Bible stories, enjoy crafts, music, games, and more—all while growing in their faith. Don’t miss out on this amazing adventure!

This year, we invite your children on an exciting journey to discover the greatness of God by exploring the intricate details of His creation. Guided by Psalm 34:3—"Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together!"—our theme encourages kids to marvel at God's wonders, from the smallest details to the vastness of the universe.

Throughout the week, they will engage in activities and lessons designed to help them:

  • Magnify God's Care
  • Magnify God's Love
  • Magnify God's Forgiveness
  • Magnify God's Faithfulness

Through these truths, Magnified seeks to deepen children's understanding of who God is and inspire them to share His greatness in their daily lives.

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