WATCH LIVE | Every Sunday at 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM
The Gospel delivers a profoundly hopeful and loving message that begins with God. Out of His deep love, He sent His sinless Son, Jesus, to redeem and save you.
Jesus lived a life free of sin, offered Himself as a sacrifice on the cross for your transgressions and resurrected after three days.
He conquered sin and death for you. Jesus came that you may have life, and have it to the fullest.
Come find the life transforming community you’ve been praying for.
Our Mission Statement
Leading people from lifeless religion to passionately pursue Jesus.
Lead a life that is free from lifeless religion and is in pursuit of Jesus and his transformative Gospel.
Cherish scripture and the Word of God for righteous living and an abundant life that is shared with others.
Connect with your church family and dedicate yourself to serving others inside and outside the church walls.
Discover ways to serve and groups to join! Connect in community with your church family.